Professional Learning..............Call to Action
Co-teaching – Can be a great resource for Professional Learning. This is when classroom teachers and or school librarians or another teacher, co-plan, co-implement, and co-assess learning outcomes and their instruction, they learn with and from each other. Both educators are actively involved with students. This type of professional development can lead to repeat opportunities to co-develop instructional experiences with actual students and available resources based on the taught curriculum and with the supports and constraints of the school schedule.
Professional Learning & development; is best when it is ongoing rather than a once and done. Learning from each other and collaborating is helpful. Teacher trainers who have a expertise in a certain area are wonderful leaders.
Data: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students uses a variety of sources and types of student, educator, and system data to plan, assess, and evaluate professional learning.
Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students integrates theories, research, and models of human learning to achieve its intended outcomes.
Making Learning Connections
Creating Significant Learning Environments and Growth Mindset Learners
CSLE Response
According to Douglas Thomas learning is effortless and natural, but does not believe so within the education and school system. The learning environment has significantly changed over the years due to standardized testing, mandates, and staff developments which pull us out of the classroom and we are not able to focus on the teaching and learning.
I believe that by initiating technology in our schools, we will open up a whole new perspective in learning. It will also help that the teacher will become the facilitator and the students will take control of their personal learning and truly learn. Students must be able to explore and make true connections in their own learning. When learning is interesting to them the learning process becomes easier. By allowing the students to be in control of their learning can create a classroom of learners who are involved and interested in their education. Our ultimate goal is to create students who become productive and functional adults. So in order for them to be successful, we need to be prepared to teach them in a way that is beneficial to them.
The purpose of initiating ePortfolios will be to help the students learn how to reflect on their growth and progress as learners, as well as to make connections and find the purpose of the information and knowledge. They will be in charge of their advisement, counseling and career choices. Students will also be in control of their credits for each academic year, they will know what classes they are taking and the reason they are taking them. Their personal plan will gear them up for their future choices. Students will be able to view their growth, and experiences. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their work and make updates as they progress. I would also like to introduce the video of, Dr. Carol Dweck explaining her theories about “yet” and “not yet” as well as the growth mindset. We will use Dr, Dwecks’ questions throughout the course, along with the four steps so that students can stay on the growth mindset track and encourage self-reflection. Students will recognize and reflect on their own growth and grow as their portfolios grow. The growth mindset significantly influences our learning ePortfolio course.
UbD Design
I have created a learning goals outline, the learning goals outline I created consists of a 3-column table which organizes learning goals, activities and assessments. I’ve had the opportunity to explore “Understanding by Design” (UbD) by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. The 3 column model starts with the end in mind while including the BHAG. In the UbD model, all new information must be well thought out and have an identifying activity that is measurable. Individual learning outcomes will be assessed. The 3 Column Table of Fink’s, uses a three column structure and broad parameters. The model entails higher level questions geared toward much bigger learning objectives. It functions as a path to completing activities that lead to understanding and goals.
Final Thoughts
The two different design processes have contributed to my ability to design learning environments and my innovation plan. I believe that the table allows students to think openly, freely and with imagination. Students are able to explore their own unique ideas and expand on learning. I prefer the 3 column table, for my ePortfolio learning plan. I believe the UbD is a great resource for learning ePortfolios, advisement, careers and technology. Both models require analysis and inquiry which help make the learning process and outcomes clear.
It is important to encourage play and holistic learning in order to make learning enjoyable and real. When creating the ePortfolios' it is essential that students are able to collaborate, reflect, and revise. My learning philosophy. relates to the 21st century, where we create environments that relate to the students needs by connecting content and goals. Students are able to explore , make connections and achieve their goals.
In creating individual students ePortfolios, we have completed two different planning models: Fink’s Three Column Table and Understand by Design (UbD). Both of these would benefit teachers' and students' to organize activities and meet their goals. I believe Fink’s model, Big Hairy Audacious Goal or UbD are all able to be useful in establishing goals. All models were productive in structuring our plans around our learning philosophies and the learning environments.
I believe that we were able to create a significant learning environment for all students. Student will be able to gain necessary skills to be successful. If we take a look at the overall goal and ending goal, student outcomes will be positive. As we regroup and focus, plan backwards, we should be able to create a positive growth mindset for students and teachers. While doing so we are creating positive, meaningful, exciting, and significant learning environments.